The multi-screen world


The era when the whole family gathered around the TV to watch the 8PM series is now a vintage image. For some retro lovers, the TV will, at most, soon serve a decorative purpose in the kitchen. According to Google that is. In a study published by the web giant, 90% of media consumers are now choosing different devices such as, TV, smart-phones, tables and computers to satisfy their needs and adapt to the spare time they have, the goal of the interaction (buying, information, entertainment), the place where they are at, and even the mood they are in. The family may still gather, but each member now has its own screen according to age, and specific interaction preference at that specific moment. According to the study, 77% of the time users watch what would be traditional TV contents, they are now using a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. What’s new in the report is that users no longer stick to one tool for media consumption, but combine more than one. You may start watching the latest episode of Modern Family on your laptop, watch some more on your tablet on the way to work, and watch the rest (with bonus footage) on you iPhone app while you wait at the dentist. Iphone skeptical beware, a study released by JP Morgan assures the release of the iPhone 5 will make the US’ GDP by 0.5%. We are already applying our marketing strategies to the multi-screen era, developing multiple actions that take into consideration its main characteristics and the audience we are trying to reach. Mobile App: The Qignition fitness campaign needed a tool to register users who had already attended their introductory courses for full memberships. We developed an application in which instructors could give students interested in the membership a QR Code that directed them to a platform where they could enter their information, choose the type of membership and make the online payment. Instagram: InPulse launched digital actions for artists like Luisana Lopilato, Pee Wee (Sony US) and Beto Cuevas asking users to share their smartphone pictures using instagram. Galleries and music videos were created to enhance the users experience, allowing them to follow conversations and interactions from their phones, tablet, or laptop. Video Upload: A sweepstakes was created for Mexican football/soccer player Rafa Marquez, inviting fans to upload videos showcasing their skills with the ball. Videos could be uploaded automatically straight from smart-phones, and tablets, using an application. The winner will of customized awards will be chosen by Rafa Marquez himself.

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