An app that focuses on the audience


Being a multicultural agency is not only about thinking outside the box, but also about analyzing the nature of the audiences and detecting unique aspects that can be enhanced. Such was the case of the recent Facebook App InPulse Digital now created for the bachata singer and Dominican celebrity J’ Martin. After analyzing the 200 thousand followers of the artist on social networks (Facebook+Twitter), the IP team saw a specific characteristic: No country stands out and the audience is evenly spread out through different countries and regions. Taking advantage of the diversity, the J’Martin Mundial App was created, in which fans could pin their location anywhere in the world for a chance to win several different prizes that were available for fans of any country.

The concept was to give fans a chance to take center stage and showcase something they are proud of: their nationality. In the first days, the countries with more participants were Argentina, Mexico, United States and Republica Dominicana.

The app implementation was based on Google Maps and its intuitive functionality. Once the user pins the place of origin on the map, the app uses their profile pic so the other fans can see it and see the worldwide reach of this young artist. Right after its release, the J’Martin Munidal App is a success. 

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