4 secrets to understanding Millennials’ social media behavior


Four digital marketing strategies to understand Millennials' social media behavior.

1. Sharing is all that matters

Millennials were born and raised in a culture where “sharing” is basically everything. According to data provided by eMarketer, almost 90% of Millennials are social media users in comparison to 76% of users categorized as generation X and 59% of baby boomers. There is one artist that clearly gets the concept: Taylor Swift. The singer has taken advantage of understanding her fans behavior online and started retweeting other artists that have yet to be discovered. She also frequently leaves comments on her fans Instagram pictures. In addition, she is always sharing snapshots of her personal life, including her most precious emotions. And let’s face it, all fans fall for that.

2. Understanding millennials values

According to Iconoculture happiness, variety, passion and eagerness of sharing are the Millennials' strongest values. Have you heard about the PLUR lifestyle? PLUR stands for peace, love, unity and respect, which is a very popular concept among Millennial EDM fans. This shows us that Millennials are true to their values and that their pacific lifestyle does not leave place for hate.

3. Let’s make this clear: every social network is different

Millenials get this naturally. Instagram is more than just a place to share images. People use it to share details of their personal life and brands like to show the “behind the scenes” of their products and even give costumers a scoop of what’s coming up next. If you want your brand or product to gain exposure you can start implementing Instagram ads! Facebook, on the other hand, can be used to promte the product itself. But still, when it comes to Facebook possibilities are endless. And last but not least, Snapchat is the creative star of the moment where videos, pictures, text, emojis and even drawings merge to a perfect mix.

4. Be authentic

...and social! No one can show an exact authentic representation of life on social media. Things need to get real: show photos of the products as they are used in real life. Post content that's representative of your brand’s lifestyle. Remember, your followers will love to see true visual content.

All in all

Fans are going to love you if you stay true to yourself, but if you’re trying to be someone else they are going to notice and they will likely reject you for it. Take Taylor's example:


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